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siberian husky

siberian huskys

Breed Overview

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Quick facts

Siberian Huskies are loving, sociable, and goofy and have beautiful coats.

Lifespan12-15 Years
TemperamentMischievous, Loyal, Outgoing
Shedding AmountModerate
Breed GroupWorking

Available siberian husky Puppies

Personality & Training

Tendency to Bark




Good For:
  • Kids
  • Cats
  • Other Dogs
  • Apartments
  • Large Living Spaces
  • Cold Climates

Physical Characteristics

Average Height

Females: 21 in
Males: 23 in

Average Weight

Females: 43 lbs
Males: 53 lbs

Grooming Requirements

Brush Weekly, Bathe as Needed

Drool Amount


Agouti & WhiteBlackBlack & WhiteBlack Gray & WhiteBlack Tan & WhiteBrownBrown & WhiteBrown Black & WhiteCopper & WhiteGray & BlackGray & WhiteRed & WhiteSable & WhiteTanTan & BlackTan & WhiteWhite
PiebaldBlack PointsPinto

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About siberian huskys

Siberian Huskies are sled dogs that were bred to withoustand the coldest regions of the world. They have a thick coat, incredible endurance, and love being part of a family. They are kind and affectionate with other dogs and children.


They generally are not possessive or suspicious of strangers or other dogs and are friendly and sociable but are also notoriously stubborn and difficult to train. Make sure they get lots of training early!


Siberian Huskies don't bark a lot but do howl. They love to run and have a high prey drive. They have a tendency to dig under, chew through, or jump over obstacles. Make sure they have plenty of room and exercise.

siberian husky Care

Siberian Huskies have a double coat. They shed their undercoat (known as "blowing their coat") twice a year and need regular brushing.


Siberian Huskies need around two hours of high activity a day or their pent-up energy can result in destructive behavior.


Huskies have a reputation for being headstrong but can be successfully trained when begun early and with lots of patience and consistency.

siberian huskys FAQ

Yes, Siberian Huskies are affectionate, devoted, and gentle when properly trained and love being part of a family.